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Refresher Training Might Be the Answer

Reinforce some rusty skills

We’ve all heard the phrase “use it or lose it”. This couldn’t be truer than with management and leadership skills. But sometimes we don’t get an opportunity to apply everything we learn right away, or we encounter a new situation and forget what we learned about how to handle it. That’s when refresher training can be valuable.

Our brain is a muscle and needs to be exercised, just like our abs. Refresher training exercises our brain and helps us remember skills and tools we may have forgotten or not used in a while.  New participants bring fresh perspectives too, and that reinforces old skills.

Best practices are changing continually, and refresher training provides an opportunity to get the most up-to-date information about managing employees in ways that support a culture of employee engagement and retention. Now who doesn’t need that today?! 

Understanding and nurturing an effective culture that makes your company an employer of choice is one of the most important aspects of managing people today. Revisit CITEC’s leadership programs for latest best practices. You will always learn something new, even if it’s a “refresher”!